A global education expert
We experience the greatest sense of meaning and fulfilment when we are able to contribute to people’s lives and the world.
Joanne of Waitaha, Ngāti Māmoe and Ngāi Tahu, is a celebrated author, speaker, change leader, and executive coach. Her 30+ years of experience span time as a teacher, principal, Ministry of Education leader in New Zealand, and now a globally recognized pioneer in the fields of educational assessment and well-being.
She provides ways to redefine what success looks like, recognizing that we learn best through meaningful, contributive learning that helps everyone shine and succeed in their way.

Reach out to connect with Joanne today.
“I feel like I found my lifetime goal. Joanne makes me feel more worthy and confident in myself and discover my new identity and potential. I am happy that I have a clear objective to help others with my talent. I will study social and emotional learning more and will contribute to the Korean education system for making a better learning environment.”
Eunsil BAK, Project Coordinator/ Researcher, Ewha Womans University, South Korea.
Leadership Coaching
I help new and aspiring leaders identify what is important and create pathways to success

Speaking Engagement
I speak to the power of contribution as wellbeing and how to measure what is important.

Joanne is a global education expert and her best selling books have been used in thousands of schools around the world.

“The Depthvale Detectives uses the power of storytelling to connect readers to the change that is essential in education. Every educator will be able to read this, see themselves and their school, and begin to think about how they can truly contribute to their own school community.”
Patrick Fisher
Principal, Meramec Elementary, United States
“This book marks a true meta-moment for schools, a chance to consider what your best school would look like, and to choose the behaviors that bring it to life.”
from the foreword by Marc Brackett, Ph.D.
Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

“The book really hits the mark. The best thing about it is the in-depth discussion of systems. It is with great pleasure that I read and re-read this book. It delivers a good combination of big vision with specific strategies and techniques.”
Jeff Beaudry, Professor, Educational Leadership; University of Southern Maine
“This is just what we need in our district. This engaging book will help change teams support their system to learn how to effectively measure deeper learning. Readers will be drawn in by great examples from around the globe of educators putting students first. It is an energizing read.”
Charisse Berner, Director of Teaching and Learning, Curriculum; Bellingham Public Schools

More books by Joanne

Dive into Deep Learning: Tools for Engagement

Deep Learning: Engage the World Change the World

Making the Important Measurable, Not the Measurable Important
Reach out to connect with Joanne today.
Years of Experience
Books Published
Organizations Founded
Countries Worked With

A global team of diverse education experts that brings decades of experience to shift student, school, and community outcomes through lesson design and system transformation.

Advances the awareness, knowledge and understanding of skills for learning and life. It bridges the perceived divide between academic knowledge and social emotional skills.

Informed by indigenous wisdom, Kia Kotahi Ako is a charitable trust in in Aotearoa New Zealand that focuses on activating education initiatives that will have the biggest impact for Papatūānuku (mother earth).